Thursday 13 January 2011

Library Thursdays: Getting started!!! Using Visual Systems to promote Play

Getting Started: Using visual systems to promote communication by Dolly Bhargava, produced by Carson Street School in Perth, is a great guide to using visuals with people with Down syndrome and other visual learners. We have blogged about it previously.

Bhargava has now produced a second title: Getting Started: Using visual systems to promote play. It discusses play skills, sensory integration, interacting while playing, the play environment, types of play (solitary, parallel, unoccupied, onlooker, associative, cooperative, imaginative) and how to encourage play. Examples, visual systems and suggested activities are included.

Both titles and the accompanying videos are now available online from the Carson Street
School website.

These booklets can also be ordered in hardcopy from Carson Street School and will be available to borrow from the Down Syndrome NSW Library.

To borrow anything else from the library, just call or email.

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