Monday 14 March 2011

Down Syndrome NSW Calendar 2012

2012 Calendar

It's time to select your photos for next year's calendar and send them in.

All members are invited to submit photos for inclusion in the 2012 Down Syndrome NSW calendar.

Digital photos are preferred - please send your photos as attachments, in .jpg format at the highest resolution you have available (file size up to a total of 2 Mb per email message). Email your photos and details to Angela, at  with '2010 DS NSW calendar photos + your family name' in the subject line.

Prints may be submitted if you do not have access to digital photos - please include a return address if you need your prints returned. Please do not send in your only print copy of a precious photo!

We would like to have images of people of all ages with Down syndrome, babies to elders - doing whatever interests them, in family groups, with siblings, friends, at work, play, serious or smiling. You can submit more than one photo, but we cannot guarantee to have space for multiple photos from each family! Please tell us who everyone is in each photo. We need to receive permission from each person appearing in a photo, for it to be used by Down Syndrome NSW. Please acknowledge that photos submitted for the calendar may be used for other promotional purposes.

Photo submission will close on 31st May 2011.

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