Thursday 10 March 2011

Growing older with Down syndrome: Ballina, 6th and 7th April 2011

Two regional NSW events for families and carers of older people with Down syndrome

1. Growing older with Down syndrome
 - information and discussion for parents and family carers of people with Down syndrome aged in their 30s and older ~ adult siblings are welcome

  How might growing older impact on our son or daughter?

  What do we need to know?
  What supports might we need, and where will we find them?
  Just how common is dementia?
  What should we look for?

9.45 am - 2.00 pm

Wednesday 6th April 2011

Ballina RSL Club
240 River Street Ballina, NSW

There is no charge for this event, but booking is essential for catering.
Morning tea and a buffet lunch will be provided.

Contact Down Syndrome NSW on 9841 4411 or 9841 4407, or email
to reserve a place.
Click here for a flyer

2. Caring for older people with Down syndrome
- information and resources for people working to support people with Down syndrome aged in their 30s and over, and their families

  How might growing older impact on men and women with Down syndrome
  What do we need to know?
  What supports might they need, and where will we find them?
  Just how common is dementia?
  What should we look for?
  How should we care for people with dementia and Down syndrome?

9.30 am - 2.30 pm
Thursday 7th April 2011

Ballina RSL Club
240 River Street Ballina, NSW

Cost: $55 per head; $110 for three participants from one organisation (inc. GST)
Booking is essential
Morning tea and a buffet lunch will be provided

Click here to download a registration form to book your place.
Enquiries for both events: phone Miriam at Down Syndrome NSW on 9841 4407, or email

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