Tuesday 1 March 2011

Playing to their strengths - at school: Canberra, 31 March

A workshop for teachers and school personnel
Identifying the learning and communication strengths of people with Down syndrome, to provide appropriate support in school environments: classrooms, playground and activities

Thursday 31st March 2011, 9.30 am - 3.00 pm

West Belconnen Leagues Club
Hardwick Cres, Holt ACT

Speaker:   Judy Davidson, Parent Support Manager, Down Syndrome NSW

For a detailed flyer and to register for this workshop please download and complete the registration form at this link and return by mail or fax to:

PO Box 717, Mawson, ACT, 2607

Fax to 02 6290 0656, marked ‘Att: Karen Garrity’

Registrations close: Thursday 24th March 2011

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