Tuesday 1 March 2011

Scrapheap wonder: wolf in sheep's clothing

Here's one for the Scrapheap Adventurers, spectators and supporters, from Trailbike Adventure Magazine:

The Scrapheap Adventure Ride raised big bucks last year, and entries for the 2011 ride are going like an English bowler through an Australian Test batting line up. Numbers are well up on 2010 and it looks as though a bunch of riders are in for a great ride again, this time heading for Cameron Corner, and the Down Syndrome Association of NSW is in for some more help.

So that’s all good.

But Perry’s determined to get this inflammable CB400/XR (or, as Perry calls it, the XR460 Four) out there. We met up with him for a good look at what older riders would call a “rat” bike.
.... read on here for more od the story and pictures.

Register for, or support the Scrapheap Adventure Ride 2011 here.

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