Sunday 15 May 2011

Disability and faith - event for Catholic families

Made in God’s image
an evening for parents of children with a disability and their families and friends.

7.00 - 8.30 pm, Tuesday, 7th June 2011
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Parish Hall and Church
89 Shaw St, Kingsgrove

Trish and Glenn Mowbray from Canberra will present the evening – they are very experienced in the area of disability and faith. Glenn is a member of the Australian Catholic Disability Council and Trish is employed by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference as its Disability Projects Officer. They have three children of their own with Down syndrome and will focus on nurturing and supporting your child’s faith and how the Church can encourage and celebrate the participation and spirituality of children with disability.

Further information: Mary Joseph
Life, Marriage and Family Centre
Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney
T: 02 9390 5283

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