Saturday 14 May 2011

MInister: NSW will have strongest client focussed disability and ageing system by 2015

The O'Farrell Government intends to build the strongest client-focussed service arrangements for ageing and disability in the country during its first term in office.

The Minister for Disability and Minister for Ageing, Andrew Constance, addressed the 2011 NSW HACC and Community Care Conference in Sydney on 2nd May, and said: "The NSW Government is committed to expanding and enhancing the community care and disability service system, and I am personally committed to ensuring that the second phase of Stronger Together is even stronger and more effective for people with a disability, their families and carers."

Stronger Together is the Government's 10 year strategy to expand disability services throughout NSW. The O'Farrell Government is pushing ahead with its agenda of person centred approaches and packages of individualised funding to give control back to individuals and their families. Mr Constance said the Government was also committed to improving outcomes and opportunities for people in rural and regional areas and to ensuring that services met the needs of those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

"With more people accessing community care services it is important that the service system is person-centred and enables everyone to reach their full potential. I want to see more tangible benefits for individuals, their carers, their families and local communities," he said.

Source: Media release, 2 May 2011

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