Wednesday 29 June 2011

Special Olympics World Games: some familiar faces in Greece ...

Special Olympics Australia is providing excellent media coverage via Facebook, Flickr, its news media hub and websites.  Here are some photos we've spotted (and there will be others that we have missed - there is so much to see!):

Congratulations to Joshua Gray who has won a swag of medals in gymnastics, being congratulated by his grandfather!

Chris Bunton preparing to compete in gymnastics - good luck Chris!

The women's gymnastics team is ready to compete (Ashley Kuhle is at right in the back row, Tracie Sammut is second from right in the front row, Rhianna Sinclair is on the right, front row) - good luck girls!

Nick Lorenz dancing with volunteers on centre court - good luck Nick! And a slightly more sedate one of the tennis team (that you in the shades, Nick?).

We're pretty sure that is Alex Hayes, second from left, this photo from the Daily Telegraph's media hub for the Special Olympics World Games.  The golf competition is in full swing now.  Good luck Alex and all of your team mates.

Check out other NSW athletes with Down syndrome who are competing in gymnastics, softball and tennis by following the links to athletes pages here, daily competition schedules and results here.

Before the Games there was touristing to be done ... Andrew Mujunen and Mel Eustace (front row) toured the old Medieval Town on Rhodes with their softball team mates, and cooled off with a swim.

Special Olympics Australia Flickr Photostream (page 1 is the latest photos).

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