Thursday 30 June 2011

When too much sport is never enough ...

Lots more photos from the Special Olympics World Games posted overnight - and many more medals won.  They'll need a shipping container to bring them all home! Congratulations to Chris Bunton and Tracie Sammut who have each picked up several medals in gymnastics.  Visit the SO Australia Flickr Photostream to catch up ... and especially have a look at this fun photo of the Bunton family as they cheered on the women's gymnastics team - great hairdo John!  Mel Eustace (softball team member) was snapped with her coach, who happens to be her Mum, Fran.

It's not all about the medals - there are fabulous photos of the athletes and their supporters showing all aspects of the Games. Just go and look at them all!

1 comment:

  1. I was like ROFL after watching the picture of Bunton family. And i hope they have enjoyed cheering to there team and totally enjoyed being over there... :D

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