Wednesday 18 January 2012

Adult Down Syndrome Clinic marks 20th Anniversary

The Adult Down Syndrome Centre in Chicago is this month celebrating its twentieth anniversary as a specialist health care service for people with Down syndrome.  The ADSC has developed a depth of experience and expertise that is highly regarded not only by its patients, but worldwide. The staff and services have expanded, and a new building is currently under construction.

The directors, Dr Brian Chicoine (a general practitioner) and Dr Dennis McGuire (a clinical psychologist) have generously shared worldwide their expertise through many, many presentations at local, national and international meetings of both professionals and families, through social media, and very significantly through their two book, Mental Wellness in Adults with Down Syndrome, and the Guide to Good Health for Teens and Adults with Down Syndrome (both can be borrowed from our library by members, but we know that many families have purchased their own copies.)

To mark the anniversary, A Center for Adults and Adolescents with Down Syndrome: Twenty Years of Experience, describing and summarising the ADSC's experience and plans for the future has been published online.

Dr McGuire is also the author of the very popular If People with Down Syndrome Ruled the World.

If you would like to send your congratulations to the ADSC, you can do so on their Facebook page.

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