Tuesday 17 January 2012

Is it too soon to start talking about school?

Still two weeks before the 2012 school year starts for most students in NSW, so is it too early to be thinking about school? If it is, just ignore this post for now ... 

The NSW Government has brought together the NSW Department of Education and Training with Children's Services and Communities NSW to create the Department of Education and Communities (DEC). The website for NSW Public Schools is the same - only the terminology is changing.  Information specifically related to students with disabilities is located here, and regional office contacts are here.  

Learners with Down syndrome is a comprehensive introduction for teachers who have students with Down syndrome in their classes, published by Down Syndrome Victoria. It is compiled from the work of a number of well known specialist educators around the world. While comprehensive, it is also brief enough to be easily digested by a busy teacher, as a very useful introduction to the possible impacts of Down syndrome on their student, and to the body of evidence and resources on how best to support their learning.

It is now available both  as a .pdf document to read online or download (free) or in print (to purchase). Your child's teacher and/or learning support assistant might find it very useful to have on hand from very early in the school year.

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