Thursday 9 February 2012

Healthier lives: 15th March 2012, Armidale

NSW Council for Intellectual Disability is going to Armidale on Thursday 15 March to hold another of its highly regarded forums on strategies to improve the health of people with intellectual disability in the New England region.

Speakers include: 
  Dr Bruce Chenoweth, Senior Developmental Psychiatrist  - Diagnostic and Assessment Service, SESIAHS
  Dr Cheryl McIntyre, General Practitioner
 Helen MacLean, Clinical Nurse Consultant,  ADHC Northern Region
  Gillian Woodward, Dietician
  Jim Simpson, Senior Health Advocate, NSW CID
  Plus representatives from local health care services and disability service providers 

The day is for:
* Family members and carers 
* People with intellectual disability  - easy to understand sessions for people with intellectual disability (limited places to ensure accessibility) 
* Service providers 

To register your interest contact the NSW Council for Intellectual Disability: 
Phone: 1800 424 065      Email:

Click here for more information

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