Thursday 9 February 2012

Library Thursday: e-book for teens, adults

How David Met Sarah is an ebook, written by Anne Kelleher, in response to her brother's need for story that he can read, that is interesting to him as a man in his 30s.  The first in a planned series of five, it is described as
... the heartwarming story of a young man with Down Syndrome who falls in love with a young woman with autism.

Anne says ... I wrote this story for my brother because I wanted to give him not only a story he could read and enjoy, but also give him a hero to which he could relate. The real David is 36 and has Down Syndrome. This story is both age and reading level appropriate for someone with my brother's reading skills. However, average readers praise it for the insight it offers into the world of the developmentally disabled.

To download the eBook for Kindle (you can also download a Kindle reader for PC and iPad), go to How David Met Sarah at Amazon where it is on special for February (in honour of Valentine's Day) for a very reasonable $0.99. A proportion of the proceeds are being donated to the National Down Syndrome Society in New York.

There is also a Facebook page and blog about the book, which might is also scheduled for release in print.

In the journals
We compile a list of recent journal article for each issue of our members' journal, Voice.  The list was prepared for the December 2011 issue, but an editorial decision had to be made to fit the content into the allocated space, so we have published the December 2011 In the journals list as an online appendix only.  This page includes links to each of the In the journals lists previously published in Voice.


  1. thanks so much for mentioning my book!

  2. It's an amazing book and I'm so glad to see it's reaching all the right people.
