Thursday 23 February 2012

Library Thursday

These two new resources of particular interest to families and those who support families are on order for our library - we will notify you when they have arrived.  Annotated lists of our entire collection are available here. Contact our library:

  • Bloom - finding beauty in the unexpected,  by Kelle Hampton, is scheduled for publication early in April, by Harper Collins.  It is described as a memoir of the year of her daughter who has Down syndrome.  From the publisher's note:

... From the outside looking in, Kelle Hampton had the perfect life: a beautiful two-year-old daughter, a loving husband, a thriving photography career, and great friends. When she learned she was pregnant with her second child, she and her husband, Brett, were ecstatic. Her pregnancy went smoothly and the ultrasounds showed a beautiful, healthy, high-kicking baby girl.

But when her new daughter was placed in her arms in the delivery room, Kelle knew instantly that something was wrong. Nella looked different than her two-year-old sister, Lainey, had at birth. As she watched friends and family celebrate with champagne toasts and endless photographs, a terrified Kelle was certain that Nella had Down syndrome — a fear her pediatrician soon confirmed. Yet gradually Kelle's fear and pain were vanquished by joy ...

A video preview is available here.  

Kelle Hampton's blog, Enjoying the small things is here - she's a professional photographer so as you would expect, the images she posts are stunning.  It's not all about babies ... take a look at this fabulous photo essay about a Valentines Day dance last week. Highly recommended. (The site is now listed in our Blogroll, so you can visit it often - scroll down the right hand column ->)

  • Stronger Siblings DVD, produced by Siblings Australia (2011)
As promised late last year,  Stronger Siblings can now be previewed online here. Copies have been ordered for our library, and will be available for loan to members shortly. 

Visit Siblings Australia website to download an order form to purchase your own copy.

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