Thursday 23 February 2012

National Year of Reading: reading research at Down Syndrome Education International

The work of Down Syndrome Education International is well known to most of our readers. These two links highlight the very substantive role DSE has played in developing knowledge about literacy skill development in children with Down syndrome, appropriate for these early days of the school year here in Australia, in this National Year of Reading:

Dr Kelly Burgoyne is a research psychologist with Down Syndrome Education International in the UK.  She gave us permission to reprint her article Reading the evidence, an overview of the latest research into reading skills development in children with Down syndrome, in the June 2011 issue of our quarterly journal  Voice (published in collaboration with Down Syndrome Victoria).

Professor Sue Buckley is another internationally renowned research psychologist at Down Syndrome Education International.  Video and presentation notes from a full day presentation for the Down Syndrome Association of Northern Virginia in July 2008, including segments on literacy development are available here on the Blueberry Shoes website.

The latest updates on current and ongoing research at Down Syndrome Education International are regularly presented on their website and via webinars, accessible world-wide, and at face-to-face events.

If you have a story about reading and a person with Down syndrome that you would like to share, we'd like to hear it - contact us via

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