Friday 30 March 2012

Scrapheap Adventure Ride 2012 - are we there yet?

Honestly, we don't really know what a lot of the lyrical waxing about bikes means over at Scrapheap Adventure Ride headquarters ... but we do know about dedication, support and the spirit of adventure, so it looks good!

Mick Debreceny's NX

Here a just a few highlights of the preparations ....some riders have been for a 'practice' - just down to Tumbarumba and back, by 4WD to check the route!  This third ride will be some adventure next weekend - arrival day at Mt Kosciuszko is Easter Saturday, 7th April 2012.

Andrew Meddings has made room for his wheelchair on the back of his bike

Mick's daughter had her own homemade rocky road stall at a local Farmers' Market to support her Dad's adventure!

Grant Knowles and the kids at Kanahooka High have featured in the local press, reaching out into their community.

This third time entry (100% participation) is known as the Scare Chair!

... and this is the Side Car Scrapper, that apparently needed some 'fettling' ...

Major supporters, Pilot Air, showcased Perry's bike at their stand at the Buson Auto Parts Trade Show and collected some more donations.

Our heartfelt thanks to each and every rider, sponsor, donor, support team member  - all who have joined in this wonderful Adventure for 2012.

Check in to the Scrapheap Adventure Ride here for more photos (especially of the bikes), and to follow the ride.  To sponsor a team or rider, or to donate, click here.

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