Sunday 1 April 2012

A big week for arts news ...

Lots of arts news this week, in Sydney, for regional NSW and nationally ...

Bella Program for students with specific needs: MCA, Sydney

With the re-opening of the Museum of Contemporary Art (at Circular Quay West) after its recent extensive renovations, programs are up and running again, including the Bella Program, now available every Monday during school terms.  Bookings are essential - what a great program for schools to tap into!  Did you know it was first established in 1993?

Look, touch, listen and create in the Bella Program. Explore exhibitions, develop new skills and have fun in this FREE art-making workshop for young people with specific needs, including physical, intellectual, emotional or behavioural disabilities.

There are lots of options for metropolitan and regional schools, including digital excursions. Further information and links for bookings are here on the MCA website.

Arts Access Australia Prize 2012

Arts Access Australia is proud to announce the launch of the first annual AAA Art Prize, a new national art prize for artists with disability.
The prize will focus on a different art form each year, starting with Visual Art in 2012. One winning work will be chosen to win a cash prize of $5,000!
Shortlisted artworks will be exhibited at The Concourse in Sydney as part of the Arts Activated Conference in October. And you'll have a chance to vote for your favourites online to help choose the People's Choice award winner, with a cash prize of $1,000.
Entry is free for AAA members. Submissions due by 5pm Friday, June 1st 2012
Click here for more information and entry forms, from the Arts Access Australia website.

New arts funding for people with a disability in NSW
The NSW Government is committing $1.5 million to increase access to arts and cultural activities for people with a disability.
 Ageing, Disability and Home Care (ADHC) in the NSW Department of Family and Community Services and Arts NSW in the NSW Department of Trade and Investment have formed a NSW Arts and Disability Partnership for two years ... read more at Accessible Arts.

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