Thursday 17 January 2013

Library Thursday: new on the shelves

Down Syndrome NSW members can contact the library to arrange loans. New items on the shelves:


Down’s Upside: Capturing the Positives, Eva Snoijink
This is a beautiful, large format book containing photographic portraits of babies and children with Down syndrome.

The Politics of Down Syndrome, Kieron Smith
Smith has written an essay that will resonate with many parents. Perhaps too, many will take heed of his call to action, and as best they can, raise awareness of these issues. After all, given we are on the cusp of genetically identifying other conditions such as autism in utero the need to speak up as Smith has done and insist it is not acceptable to view people with Down syndrome or any disability as lesser can only become more pressing. And as Smith says, it is not acceptable to veer back towards exclusion. ( Voice 2012)

Speaking of Apraxia: A Parents’ Guide to Childhood Apraxia of Speech, Leslie Lindsay
While not Down syndrome specific most of the information would also be of interest to parents raising a child with Down syndrome and apraxia. Essentially a self-help book it provides the reader with one woman's story of raising a daughter with CAS (Childhood Apraxia of Speech) interspersed with advice, practical suggestions and the latest research findings.

The Boys’ Guide to Growing Up, Terri Couwenhoven
Provides clear information for boys about the physical, emotional and social changes of puberty.

Lucky Dogs, Lost Hats and Dating Don’ts: Hi-Lo Stories about Real Life, Thomas Fish and Jillian Ober

Who Sank the Boat? Pamela Allen
This edition of perennial children’s book favourite has sign language diagrams accompanying the text.


Accommodation Support Options (DVD + Booklet), Family & Community Services ADHC NSW Government
Succinct outline of accommodation support options available in NSW.

These two titles were inadvertently omitted from our earlier list of books designed to help children understand death that are available for members to borrow from our library:

I miss you: a first look at death,
by Pat Thomas
When dinosaurs die: a guide to understanding death,
by Laurene Krasny Brown

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