Friday 18 January 2013

Research news update #1 for 2013

Newcastle University study on diagnosis and caregivers moves to next stage
The survey conducted by researchers at Newcastle University closed on 1st January. The study focuses on caregivers' experiences regarding the diagnosis of your child, including your emotional reaction and psychological well-being; and disclosure of a diagnosis to the child himself. The researchers thanks all who took part, and advise that they will pass on the analysis of the responses as soon as it is available.

US research study into children with Down syndrome and OSA
Children with Down syndrome often struggle with sleep apnea and the health and learning problems it causes.  It is encouraging to see news of new study into how those problems might be resolved.

A team of researchers at Children's Hospital Cincinnati lead by paediatric ENT surgeon Dr Sally Shott is recruiting participants in a study of children up to 21 years of age who also have obstructive sleep apnea OSA.  This research study is about developing computer models of the airway of children with Down syndrome and OSA. The computer models will be used to develop better surgeries to help improve OSA.

The researchers will perform sleep studies on the children with and without CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) support, and will perform MRI (magnetics resonance imaging) studies while the children sleep.

We will follow this study with interest, and report back on progress and outcomes.

Source:  DS Press, Vol 32 #1, Winter 2013, Down Syndrome Association of Greater Cincinnati

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