Saturday 19 January 2013

Weekend reading and viewing 19th - 20th January 2013

A letter to teenagers with Down syndrome, Paul  Sawka, Paul's Blog, Canadian Down Syndrome Society, 16th January 2013

Requiem, Dave Hingsburger, Rolling Around in My Head, 13th January 2013.  A lovely, robust tribute to a man who lived 'a red-blooded life', informed by. but not defined by. his having Down syndrome.

Informing Reproductive Choice? Prenatal Genetic Testing in the 21st Century, Center for Integration of Research on Genetics and Ethics, Stanford Univeristy, symposium papers, May 2012

Three links about siblings:

My amazing sister Grace, Verity Stockdale, The Guardian (UK), 12th January 2013

Christmas with Lucy, Thomas Wells, Down Syndrome Association (London) blog, 3rd January 2013

2012 Sports Illustrate Kids Winner  - video about two brothers' award following their participation in triathlons. Not about a child with Down syndrome, but about one child's experience as a sibling of a brother with a significant disability. 

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