Monday 11 March 2013

New school year ... new resources on offer

By this time in the new school year, six weeks or so in, students, teachers and parents all have a better idea of just what support is needed, how it might be implemented, and where any gaps in their own knowledge are ... so it's a good time to track down resources and events that are a good fit.  Here are some suggestions for this school year:

Playing to their strengths -  a workshop for teachers and other school personnel, offered by Down Syndrome NSW, on Wednesday, 3rd April 2013 at Rosehill.  Registrations close 27th March.

 Open books open doors is a blog dedicated to research and practice about people with Down syndrome learning to read.  A new series of posts on reading comprehension has recently started.

The Down Syndrome Association in London launched a collection of new resources about schooling and learning last year - while there are, of course references, to the British curriculum, education practices and law, much of the content is of universal interest. The print information is available to download free online:

Good practice guidelines for education - new report, published by the UK All Party Parliamentary Group on Down Syndrome, was launched at a reception in the House of Commons in March 2013. The report offers guidelines on education for children and young people with Down syndrome aged from birth to 25 years. This Down Syndrome Education International news page summarises the principles laid down in the document and provides a link to it.

The inclusive class - a website 'for parents and teachers dedicated to providing resources to create the best possible learning environment for children with special needs.'

Spectronics offers teachers online training in technology, and a range of both online and face-to-face services.

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