Saturday 9 March 2013

Weekend reading and viewing 9th - 10th March 2013

How to teach chores to your special needs child, Karen Wang, Friendship Circle, 3rd July 2013

Fine Motor Skills: 30 Materials and Activities, Jamie Reimer, Hands On As We Grow.

Personalisation: how to avoid snatching defeat from the jaws of success, Martin Routledge, In Control (UK), 1st March 2013. Open letter to a UK Government Minister, recommended by Jackie Softly (DSWA), who says, 'Some points in this UK blog ... are very relevant to us here in Australia as we move towards an NDIS and greater self-direction.'

Crumbs,  A Typical Son, 1st March 2013. I am compelled to write yet again about my feelings/thoughts/beliefs regarding the recent “Feel good-Inspirational” stories trending on social media that concerns ‘how somebody without a disability did a nice thing for someone with a disability’.

Self-injurious behaviour in children with an intellectual disability, Prof. Chris Oliver, Dr Louise Davies and Dr Caroline Richards. Cerebra Centre for Neurodevelopmental Disorders, University of Birmingham, 1st March 2013. This briefing has been written to help parents and carers of children with an intellectual disability to understand what self-injury is, what the causes are and which interventions are effective. The briefing focuses on children with profound to moderate intellectual disability, who may also have autism spectrum disorder or a genetic syndrome.

Improving arts employment for people with disability, Andrea Lewis, Arts Hub, 1st March 2013. The lack of inclusive and accessible employment for people with disability is of ongoing concern in Australia. Australia ranks a mere 21 out of 29 OECD countries in employment participation rates for people with disability.

Will you help me spread the word?, Tesney Davis, Our Eyes Opened, 5th March 2013

Couple Refuses to Give Up on Love Despite Disabilities, Katie Couric, Katie,(US) ABC TV. Interview with Shelley and Bill, who were also featured in this print interview.

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