Monday 20 May 2013

On Down syndrome-Autism dual diagnosis

Theory of Mind: Having Empathy and Sympathy for Others
Bill Nason, Autism Discussion Page, posted Friday 17th May 2013
From a developmental model, like DIR (Greenspan), theory of mind comes from back and forth, affective interaction between the parents and child. It is the early interactions of parent and child engaging in emotion based, back and forth, interaction that invites the child to begin to look for, and read the feelings, perspective, and intentions of the other person. From there theory of mind grows further in pretend play with the parent, where they are acting out roles of the characters.

Down Syndrome-Autism Connection
This is a US based organisation, whose activities include global outreach through social media:
Welcome to our new BLOG...where families and their supporters will post their stories, challenges and triumphs with the Down Syndrome-Autism Connection™ family.
Come and join us.  Share your experiences.  Educate the world.  And join a community of people who have definitely walked a mile in your shoes.
Down Syndrome-Autism Connection and the (US) National Down Syndrome Congress are offering a DS_Autism track, for the first time, as part of the highly regarded NDSC annual Convention in Denver, Colorado in July this year.  Read more here, on the NDSC website. Papers and recordings from the Convention will be available to those unable to attend, shortly after the event.

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