Saturday 18 May 2013

Weekend reading and viewing: 18th - 19th May 2013

Sophie's candid camera and pluck moves Gillard to tears
Dan Harrison, Sydney Morning Herald, 16th May 2013
She is the girl that brought the Prime Minister to tears. Twelve-year-old Sophie met Julia Gillard when she announced her plan to increase the Medicare levy to help pay for DisabilityCare.
Sophie, who has Down syndrome, saw the Prime Minister again later that week when, with Victorian Premier Denis Napthine, she signed an agreement to roll out the scheme across the state. A budding photographer, she asked the Prime Minister whether she could take her photo.
And check out Julia Gillard's new profile photo on Facebook: This photograph was taken by Sophie Deane, a 12 year old girl from Melbourne with Down Syndrome.
Craig Wallace, Ramp Up, 15th May 2013
Craig Wallace reflects on the "hope, reward and opportunity" offered by the 2013/14 Federal Budget: One of the best things to happen to disability over the last few years has been seeing our transformation from a single issue group wallowing at the margins of progressive politics to a bipartisan movement with champions across the Parliament.

A moment in time
Every Australian Counts, 16th May 2013
This week our government passed legislation that will deliver secure, ongoing funding for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, now known as DisabilityCare. Together we have changed our country for the better, for good. Watch and share this video today to celebrate this moment in history.

Christine and Erin
Christien Regan, NSW Council on Intellectual Disability
On the 12th October 2002, just as Bali was being bombed, my beautiful daughter with Down syndrome was having a devastating stroke. Prior to the stroke, Erin was a vital young woman of 25 years.
More in the NSW CID series, 'Real Stories' can be read here.

Different Sneakers
Jessica Melville, (US) National Down Syndrome Society
At 17 years old, Jessica discovered she was pregnant with a baby (Jaylin) with Down syndrome. This is the story of how she came to terms with the diagnosis that changed her world. 
Video, and a link to an expanded written version.

The Junction House Band: 25 years and still rocking 
Accessible Arts, 16th May 2013
Started by residents of The Junction House, a non-residential community centre for adults with a mild intellectual disability, the band is notable for having three founding members still in the lineup. Vocalist Brook Crowley, pianist Albert Blackley and Tony Elkins on bass have been with the band for over 25 years. Acoustic guitarist Nina Gotsis (who has Down syndrome), violinist Rebecca White and Greg Chui on electric guitar complete the current lineup.

Heart Surgery, Down Syndrome And A Graphic Novel
Chip Reece, Bleeding Cool, 13th May 2013
In 2010 I would have laughed myself into a coma had I been told I would be writing a comic book. Actually, the truth is I didn’t do much laughing at all, because it was the scariest year of my life. That was the year we found out my unborn son would have a congenital heart defect, and several characteristics common with Down syndrome ... 

Tea Time
Dave Hingsburger, Rolling Around in My Head, 17th May 2013
We had our tea, I had gone with a friend from work, and chatted in the cafe. It was full of sound and laughter and great good spirit. My tea was good. The whole experience was better.

Human Rights Commission lobbying for legal reform for intellectually disabled
Nance Haxton, The World Today (ABC Radio), Tuesday, March 5, 2013
The Human Rights Commission is lobbying the country's top lawmakers for national reforms that would allow people with an intellectual disability to give evidence in court proceedings. Many cases of alleged sexual abuse against disabled people in Australia don't proceed to court, because people with an intellectual disability are often seen as unreliable witnesses.

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