Friday 30 August 2013

Ethan Saylor - campaigning for justice

Campaigning continues for a full investigation into the death of Ethan Saylor, a young man with Down syndrome, in shocking circumstances, in the US in January. This is not easy reading.

I Have a Dream – Justice for Ethan
Global Down Syndrome Foundation, 28th August 2013
... Regardless of where one feels blame is due in the “Stand Your Ground” case, (Trayvon) Martin’s death has led to national calls for a review of the laws. Should they be stricken? Or altered? Does anyone really feel that an unarmed teenager is now justifiably deceased?

Ethan Saylor’s death deserves an equally important national dialogue. There are now national calls for better training for law enforcement officers on how to deal with the differently-abled. But the question remains, “If Ethan were ‘typical,’ would there be criminal charges filed or at least an independent investigation into his death?”

Justice for Down syndrome man who died in movie theater
David M. Perry, CNN, August 29, 2013
Police violence against people with disabilities is not uncommon, but the cases don't seem to get a lot of publicity. Most people see the disabled as, at best, passive victims, objects to care for, perhaps to love, but not people with whom we automatically identify. This is a mistake. We are all only temporarily able-bodied. Accidents, illness, and age wait for us all. What happened to Ethan Saylor could happen to you.

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