Saturday 31 August 2013

Weekend reading and viewing: 31st August - 1st September 2013

Love that Max, 28th August 2013
... If Max's sounds bother someone, I'd hope that person would let us know in a respectful way. Give us a chance to handle it instead of being cowardly about it. I'd rather people bring things out in the open. Sometimes, kids come up to me and ask "Why does he talk funny?" The parents are embarrassed. But if the mom isn't going to talk properly to a child, or teach him that kids with autism are not contagious, I will!

Your worst nightmare
Ginger Stickney, Green Ginger Tea, 26th February 2013
The ultrasound tech asks what we're looking for and I explain the midwife's concern and my own. She looks at my chart, and says "The baby has Down's." I am not at a point where I feel comfortable correcting people so I just nod. "That was my worst nightmare" she says, "when I was pregnant with my last child." I don't know what to say. I am a little shocked, a lot sad, but not really offended. Maybe I should have been

Counseling for Prenatal Testing?
Huffpost Live, 21st August 2013 (Video: 31m 31s)
As prenatal testing for Down syndrome becomes more common, many women will face an array of information about their unborn children. But this confronts expecting mothers with difficult choices. How do counselors help women make these decisions?

CinemAbility director Jenni Gold on Hollywood and disabilities 
Bryant Frazer, Studio Daily, 26th August 2013
CinemAbility is a new documentary looking at how films and television shows have portrayed disabilities through history. Combining interviews with actors ... with supporting film clips ... director Jenni Gold shows some of the ways that the media and popular culture have impacted society's attitudes toward people with disabilities.

GONE: 150,000 fewer people with Down syndrome in the U.S.
Mark Leach, Down Syndrome Prenatal Testing, 26th August
The estimated number of people living with Down syndrome in the United States has been 400,000. This number has now been reduced by almost 40 percent. The number 400,000 was based on birth estimates: take whatever the birth estimate was, apply it as a percentage to total number of births and total number of lives, and 400,000 was the number that was arrived at. Last month, the Journal of Pediatrics published online a study that revises this estimate based on two key factors. The new study has already resulted in a revision on the Centers for Disease Control website, which lists the highlights.

Jen Logan, Down Wit Dat, 26th August 2013
... anger will be the fire that stokes the boilers into action. There is a lot of work to be done. I don't think that it is too much to ask that September contains less stories of hate and ignorance. Or that the stories that feature disability in every Lifestyle section of every mainstream publication not be written by the able-bodied or parents that haven't fully accepted their children with disabilities. I don't think that it is too much to ask that equal access and inclusive education be automatically available. I don't think that it is too much to ask that you stop labelling my kid, stop putting him in a little box that says "happy moppet" on the outside and expecting him to act a certain way, just because you believe it makes it easier for people to accept him.

What it takes to improve the lives of disabled people in remote communities: a case study from Warburton
Melissa Sweet, Croakey, 21st August 2013
A program to bring families and health professionals together on Country has been helping disabled people in a remote community, according to a presentation at the NACCHO Summit in Adelaide ... The program helps to build trust, relationships and respect, and supports participants to identify the solutions that will best help them as “the experts of their own situation”.
Craig Wallace, Ramp Up, 30th August 2013
After spotting a video on Labor social media sites using the word 'retard', Craig Wallace asks why we still tolerate disability being used as a sledge. ... Unlike the debates we might have amongst ourselves about terms like disabled, impaired, 'person first language' or even terms like 'crip', which has been appropriated by some people with a disability, the term 'retard' has a deep, dark place in the inner circles of disability hell.

'Retard' is the disability equivalent of the 'n' word. It is never used as anything but a weapon to demean, bully and slander people based on disability. It plumbs depths far below 'politically correct' language ... Disability isn't a sledge any more than gender, ethnicity or sexuality. We deserve better and should call it out regardless of who says what about whom.

Disability does not end with DisabilityCare
Shawn Burns, Ramp Up 28 Aug 2013
As the federal election draws closer, Shawn Burns reminds us that the disability battle will not be won until all elements of the National Disability Strategy are realised.

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