Friday 1 November 2013

Moira Pieterse

It is with great sadness that we pass on news of the death of Moira Pieterse, on Tuesday, 29th October 2013, at the age of 89.

Moira will be remembered with great fondness and respect by many families of children with Down syndrome as the founding director, from 1975, of the research based Down Syndrome Program at Macquarie University in Sydney It was the first early intervention program in Australia for children with Down syndrome (and one of the first in the world), and the basis of much of the work that continues in the field today.

In 2010, Moira generously passed on to the Down Syndrome NSW library, some of her papers from the Macquarie program and her research, having maintained her interest in the well being of people with Down syndrome well beyond her retirement.

The funeral notice, for Monday 4th November is here.

1975: Moira Pieterse with Carolyn Smith, and six-month old Bradley,
at the Down Syndrome Program, Macquarie University.

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