Friday 1 November 2013

World Down Syndrome Congress 2018 (WDSC 2018): Glasgow

Down Syndrome International (DSi), announced today that World Down Syndrome Congress 2018 (WDSC 2018) will be hosted in Glasgow by Scottish charity Down’s Syndrome Scotland.

It is expected that more than 1,200 people from around the world will attend the four day conference, which will be held in August 2018 at the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre. It will be the first time that the World Down Syndrome Congress will be held in Scotland.

Andrew Boys, Director of Down Syndrome International said:

“Applications were received from organisations in 5 countries, all of which were comprehensive and impressive and were given due consideration. We would like to say a big thank you to all applicants for taking the time and effort to produce excellent bids.

Following lengthy scrutiny and discussion, DSi is delighted to announce that Down’s Syndrome Scotland have been successful and we look forward to working with them to hold a Congress which will help to fulfil our mission to improve quality of life for people with Down syndrome worldwide and promote their inherent right to be accepted and included as valued and equal members of their communities.”

In the meantime, the next (12th) World Down Syndrome Congress will be held in India in 2015

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