Monday 28 April 2014

NDIS related events

Disability and a Good Life: What does it take?
UNSW Says Who? Public Panel Series
Wednesday 30 April, 2014 - Sydney

Parliamentary Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS in Newcastle
The Parliamentary Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS will be visiting Newcastle on 5-6 May.
The committee is to:
  • review the implementation of the NDIS; 
  • review the administration and expenditure of the NDIS; 
  • review any matter in relation to the NDIS referred to the committee by a resolution of either House of the Parliament;
The Hon. Mal Brough MP, Chair of the committee said:
“Our visits to the trial sites are to allow NDIS participants, their carers and family members to tell us about their experience with the NDIS to date. The committee wants to understand the process that people with disability go through to become participants in the scheme, and how they have received and used their package of supports.”
Registration is required to attend: Visit the parliamentary website here

Getting the Best from the NDIS - making it work for people with intellectual disability
August 28 and 29 2014 - Newcastle
This NSW Council for Intellectual Disability (NSW CID) conference will include a focus both on issues of general interest and on:
  • Health issues – how health services and the NDIS can work together towards good health and good disability support.
  • People on society’s fringe – how the NDIS can be inclusive of people in contact with the criminal justice system and other people with intellectual disability living isolated and unsupported lives.
You can register your interest by emailing

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