Friday 25 April 2014

Weekend reading and viewing: 26th - 27th April 2014

For whom Wade was named
Leticia Keighly, Embracing Wade, 24th April 2014
... Early in my pregnancy I had been told that there was a high chance our baby may have Down syndrome and at 20 weeks it was all but certain. It was a very difficult time for us. We had decided to love and welcome this baby regardless but we worried about telling Jack. Alone with his thoughts, Dot worried it might be too much for him. They had raised a child with a severe disability and had lost him at 19 years of age. They did it with few supports and it was hard. She needn’t have worried because not long after I knew it in my heart that our baby had Down syndrome, Jack said to me, There’s something special about the baby”. Tears streaming down my face he told me he thought I would be a wonderful mother.
Our son was indeed born with Down syndrome and we named him Wade after both Dot and Jack. We visit pop at the nursing home every week and a couple of times a week, he asks Nan if it’s “Baby Day” tomorrow ...
For our readers outside Australia - 25th April is ANZAC Day, the day on which we remember those who have served our nation in war, those who returned, and those who did not.

A royal morning in Canberra
Juliet Rieden, Australian Womens Weekly (online), 24th April 2014
It's been a big morning for six-year-old twin brothers, Oliver and Sebastian Lye, who joined the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge to water the English Oak tree planted by the royal couple in Canberra's National Arboretum ... Sebastian has Down Syndrome, a vision impairment and is hearing impaired, but he doesn't let this get in his way of joining in everything his brother does. The twins both play soccer and they love to swim ...

Are mothers of kids with Down syndrome embarrassed?
Ellen Stumbo, Finding Beauty in Brokenness, 11th April 2014
... I am not offended when people ask a question like this. Not one bit. Why not? Because before my daughter was born with Down syndrome I actually wondered this very thing ... I was terrified to think if that ever happened to us! ... When my second daughter was born with Down syndrome two years later, embarrassment was not even in my radar. But there was a lot of fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of what I thought our lives would be like ...
Katherine Hawes, Link,Volume 23 - Issue 1 April 2014
All parents worry about their children. However, parents of children with disability often carry the additional burden of what will happen to their child after their own death. The good news is that the federal government’s Special Disability Trust Scheme may just be the way to reduce these worries and find you that all-important peace of mind ...
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Facing Difference
Ian Brown (text), Jaine Hogge (photos), The Walrus, May 2014
Down syndrome in the age of prenatal testing - a photographic project

International Mosaic Down Syndrome Association, 23rdApril 2014

Learning difficulties
Norman Hermant, Lateline (ABC TV), 17th April 2014
For students with physical and developmental disabilities schools that cater to their needs and allow them to thrive are the exception rather than the rule.
Video and transcript.

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