Friday 22 August 2014

Down Syndrome International Statement in Response to Richard Dawkins

Down Syndrome International Statement in Response to Richard Dawkins' Comments on Twitter Regarding Down Syndrome
21 August 2014
People with Down syndrome are active contributors to family life, not passive recipients of care. 
Personal testimony from parents, siblings and other family members has shown that having a member with Down syndrome can have a positive impact for all. This has been supported by several independent research findings. 
DSi does not consider Down syndrome in itself a reason for termination. People with Down syndrome can and do lead full and rewarding lives and contribute as valued and equal members of their communities. 
However, families must make their own choices. DSi works with our national member organisations around the world to ensure that all prospective parents are given accurate, up-to-date and unbiased information about Down syndrome and what life may hold for someone with Down syndrome today. 
For further information, please see our Position Statement on Prenatal Testing.

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