Thursday 21 August 2014

From NDSC: the latest newsletter, 2014 Convention recordings online, and 2015 Convention announcement

Among a long lists of activities, events and supports offered to people with Down syndrome, their families and professionals, the (US) National Down Syndrome Congress publishes Down Syndrome News, and hosts a highly regarded annual convention. Here is the latest on both:

Down Syndrome News, Vol 27 #2, Summer 2014

  • Speech Intelligibility: Helping Children and Adults Develop and Maintain Understandable Speech (Part 2), by Libby Kumin, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, This article is available in both English and Spanish.  Part 1 is here.
  • Civil rights breakthrough for workers with Down syndrome! by Bob Lawhead
  • No Greatness without Goodness
Back issues of Down Syndrome News are archived online here.


Each year, thousands of people from across the globe attend the National Down Syndrome Congress Annual Convention. For most, it’s to hear the latest information from world-renowned experts. For others, it’s a great vacation. But, for nearly all, there’s the one-of-a-kind NDSC family reunion feeling that permeates the convention weekend. (NDSC)

42nd Annual Convention (2014)
Streamed recordings from selected session of NDSC 42nd Annual Convention; July 11–13, 2014, held in Indianapolis, IN are available for purchase here. The recordings can be purchased as single sessions, or as a complete set.

The National Down Syndrome Congress 2015 Convention will be held in Phoenix, AZ 
June 25-28, 2015 
Convention Registration will open March 2015

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