Monday 18 August 2014

Jobs and Disability: Insight, SBS TV One, Tuesday

On SBS One's Insight, on Tuesday 19th August at 8.30 pm, 'Jobs and Disability' ...
... This week Insight looks at whether more people with disabilities should be working - and whats standing in the way. 
The discussion comes as the Federal Government reviews the disability pension.
Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews says the current system gives pension recipients no incentive to work. 
"There are a lot of people who are disabled who have capacity, who have ability, and with the right sort of approach we could actually encourage them to be in the workforce," Andrews said. 
So what are the hurdles? Practicalities? Attitudes of employers? Or the attitudes of the job seekers themselves?

  • Insight is repeated on Wednesdays at 1.00 pm.

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