Monday 18 August 2014

PWDA campaign against the BSWAT Payment Scheme Bill 2014

People with Disability Australia is campaigning to have the BSWAT Payment Scheme Bill rejected in the Senate:
People with Disability Australia, in partnership with national peak disability and advocacy organisations, invite you to endorse our Joint Statement to Senators to VOTE NO and reject the Business Services Wage Assessment Tool (BSWAT) Payment Scheme Bill 2014
The Federal and High Courts of Australia have determined that the BSWAT discriminates against people with intellectual disability. However, this Bill will not provide compensation or an effective remedy for people affected by the unlawful discrimination of the BSWAT. 
We need your help to protect and promote the rights of people with intellectual disability:

Click here to read the Joint StatementTo endorse the Joint Statement as an individual or organisation email Paul Cain 
Click here to read Background Information on the BSWAT and the legal actions underway to ensure that people with intellectual disability receive fair wages for a fair days work. 
You can also use the Joint Statement and Background Information to tell your Senator why they should vote against the Bill. 
We expect the Bill to be voted on before the end of August so take action now!
Thank you for your support, 
People with Disability Australia

Click here for more information on the Wage Justice Campaign

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