Wednesday 20 August 2014

Riverside Theatres: 'relaxed' performance to accommodate children with special needs

This growing trend is much appreciated by parents and children:
From Riverside Theatres, Parramatta:
As part of Riverside's commitment to theatre for everyone, we're offering a special relaxed performance of Señor Rabbit as part of this year Spot On Children's Festival. The performance will be held for children with autism and other special needs. Although this performance will be available to all patrons, those will special needs will be invited to enter the performance space early, lights will be kept on throughout the performance, there will be less Spanish used during the performance, and patrons will be welcome to come and go as needed.

Children will also be able to meet the performers before the performance begins to ensure they are comfortable and relaxed during the show. 
The dedicated relaxed performance of Señor Rabbit is on  
Wednesday 1 October at 10:30am
  • Further details and booking links are here.
(Thanks to Beyond the Square for passing this on)

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