Tuesday 18 November 2014

PWDA 'Citizen Jury' on the National Disability Insurance Scheme

 People with Disability Australia is hosting a 'Citizens' Jury' event on social media. This information is from the PWDA Facebook page:
Saturday, November 29 at 12:00pm - 4:00pm 
It’s time for people with disability to have OUR say on the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme)! PWDA members, and the disability community are invited to tell us what YOU think at the online forum.  
PWDA President Craig Wallace and Board members will be online to join the conversation and you can also have your say on Twitter #ndisscorecard 
Your input will form the People’s submission for the NDIS Scorecard Project and will be presented by PWDA to the Citizens' Jury being held in Sydney in February 2015.

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