Tuesday 18 November 2014

Show Off Arts Festival - call for volunteers

We need some volunteers to help with the event on the day. If you, or any of your friends or family, are interested please email: events@dsansw.org.au

Show Off Arts Festival showcases people with Down syndrome involved in all aspects of the arts. The all-day extravaganza includes live performance, exhibitions and workshops across dance, drama, music, film and fine arts.

This event is for families and community members to meet, connect and be inspired.

10am - 3pm Sunday 30 November 2014
Riverside Theatres Parramatta

Official opening at 10.30 followed by live performance from 11am.

Workshops during the day will include drama, drumming and dance. Don't miss out, book now to attend these workshops, online bookings here

Show Off is part of Riverside Theatre's Beyond the Square STARE FEST - an inclusive arts festival that will make you look again.

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