Monday 8 December 2014

IDPWD wrap

International Day of People with Disability provides a focus for hundreds of events and speeches, words written, awards presented, rights recognised, problems highlighted and celebrations held around the world ... here is a small selection to indicate the range of activities and thinking about IDPWD 2014:

Theme: Sustainable Development: The Promise of Technology
United Nations - Enable website.

International Day of People with Disability 2014 (audio described video 3m 58s)
Adelaide City Council
Adelaide City Council is pairing up with Access2Arts to celebrate International Day of People with Disability, this December 3, 2014. Marking the adoption of the United Nations Conventions on the rights of people with disability, the day celebrates the achievements of people living with disability and the work of organisations, businesses, government and the community in breaking down the barriers to an accessible and inclusive society.

Australian Human Rights Commission, 3rd December 2014
Disability Discrimination Commissioner Susan Ryan has marked International Day of People with Disability by celebrating the valuable contributions people with disability make in business, government and the community. Commissioner Ryan called on all employers across Australia to play their part in enhancing workforce participation of people with disability.

“This year’s theme is technology, and fittingly so. We live in a technological age and for people with disability these advancements enhance their already clear employability,” said Commissioner Ryan ...

Indigenous Australians can take pride in disability policy gains
John Gilroy and Nicholas Biddle, The Conversation, 3rd December 2014
International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPWD) ... is important for commemorating the successes and efforts of the disability rights movement. Along with other Indigenous peoples worldwide, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have much to celebrate ... While many challenges remain, we do have reasons to celebrate ...

Information technology for people with Down’s syndrome
European Commission (Digital Agenda for Europe), 2nd December 2014
This article explains how ICT can help people with Down’s syndrome become more independent in their daily lives. It is about an EU research project (POSEIDON), developing visual and touch apps.

Many people with Down’s syndrome (DS) face barriers to taking part in community activities the rest of us take for granted. Whether it’s travelling on public transport, paying for items in a supermarket or getting to appointments on time, they may need help if they get into difficulties ...

It's probably better ...
Inky Ed, 3rd December 2014
“So, how big will Mac get when he grows up?” came the query from two of his 6th grader friends, J1 and J2. “ ‘Cause we move him from his wheelchair to his jogger now you know,” they added.

Think about that for a moment … their motivation for this knowledge comes from the fact they’ve taken it upon their 11 and 12-year-old selves to lift and shift Mac to whatever chair he wants to be in. And, more importantly, obviously plan on lifting their mate when they are grown ups – they just want to know how big he’s going to be so they know they’ll be strong enough.

International Day of Disabled Persons
Dave Hingsburger, Rolling Around in My Head, 3rd December 2014
... I will go, this morning, to the celebration at Queen's Park. I will eat the continental breakfast. I will listen to speeches. I will feel the embrace of my community. And all I want from this celebration is for my heart and my eyes to be raised, I want to see, again, the vision of a world of welcome and inclusion. I want to imagine what it would be like to live free of the fear of brutes and bullies, free of the worry that disabled children will be starved to death, free of the worry that maybe my life doesn't matter ...

Windgap Cafe opens in Matraville for International Day of People with Disability
Torin Chen, Southern Courier, 28th November 2014
Mr Lockwood, Wai Sing Sui and Laura Cameron are ready to brew and serve coffees at the new Mr Espresso by Windgap Cafe at Matraville that opens tomorrow as part of International Day of People with Disability. he trio are part of Windgap’s two-year Youth Employment Program which creates a career pathway for people with disabilities ...

Celebrate and Struggle: International Day of People with Disabilities
Amber Smock, Access Living, 3rd December 2014
... we have to remember that people with disabilities around the world are still locked in a real struggle for their human rights ...

Special Olympics World Games 2015 - Team Australia announced on International Day of People with Disability
Special Olympics Australia, 3rd December 2014
From 25 July-2 August 2015, 76 Aussie athletes will wear the green and gold with pride in Los Angeles, USA at the Special Olympics World Summer Games. It will be the largest sporting event in the world for the year and our team will compete alongside 7,000 athletes from 177 countries.
33-year-old Josie McLean from Sydney’s Northern Beaches is excited to have been selected to represent Australia in tenpin bowling. Josie says, ‘When I opened the letter telling me I was selected I yelled and shouted with excitement. In my large family, I’ll be the first and only person to represent Australia and that’s truly wonderful.’
Congratulations to Josie, and to Carley Chapman (Athletics) and to all of the athletes selected for Team Australia 2015 - you can see all of the team members here.

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