Friday 5 December 2014

Weekend reading and viewing: 6th - 7th December 2014

When a Little Girl With Down Syndrome Showed What's 'Possible'
Amy Julia Becker, Good Morning America, 1st December 2014
As the mother of an 8-year old with Down syndrome, I sometimes get annoyed by headlines trumpeting the everyday accomplishments of kids with intellectual disabilities ... I want to uphold the intrinsic value of all the kids with intellectual disabilities, especially the ones who don’t make the headlines.

Wise words from a city parent
Pippa Hodge, Brighton and Hove Independent, 30th November 2014
Imagine there was a “language-sensitivity spectrum” drawn as a line from cool blue to red hot. At the blue end sit those of us who think it doesn’t really matter how a disability or a condition is described. And at the reactive red end sit those of us who are often very uncomfortable with the words and terms used by professionals, friends, family, or passers-by ...

The Importance of Someone "Like Me" in the Movies
Mardra Skiora, The Huffington Post, 19th November 2014
After a screening of the live action short film Menschen, Sarah Lotfi was approached by a young woman who exclaimed, "That's me!"

The young woman with Down syndrome referred to her resemblance to the costar of the film, Connor Long. Seeing someone who looked a little bit like herself on the movie screen was an exciting and moving moment for her, and an enlightening moment for Lotfi. "It moved me as a filmmaker," said the director ...

How special needs advocacy is becoming a ‘cliché’ !
Two Minute Parenting, 1st December 2014
... How can we be happy by giving it back to a 70 year old who made the effort to approach us and ask about the ‘syndrome’ ...  (Our kids) are becoming active members of our social systems ... While this does mean that people should get sensitive about them but at this moment of big social change, it also becomes our duty to facilitate the process by educating others and by being accommodating who don’t know any better ...

The dual diagnosis merry-go-round
For Elysium, 29th November 2014
... I am no stranger to evaluations ... they have big posters in the waiting room of the pediatric rehabilitation offices that chart typical kids’ development. I said I stand there reading the posters while I wait to take Kyle in to speech therapy for his incredibly low speech skills or into occupational therapy for his significantly delayed motor skills, and reading that poster makes me feel like crap ...

The untold story of Indigenous Australians and disability: five questions to Scott Avery
The Guardian, 28th November 2014
... When unnecessary suffering is caused by people being denied the health care they desperately need, or when people are wrongly placed in institutions or prisons when they just shouldn’t be there – that makes me passionate too ...

Panel: Those with disabilities should train police
The Washington Post, 4th December 2014
A Maryland commission formed in response to the in-custody death of a man with Down syndrome says the state should create a center in his name where people with intellectual and developmental disabilities would learn how to teach organizations how to effectively interact with people like themselves ...

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