Thursday 4 December 2014

Library Thursday - books and other resources

Library Shelf

Making Self-employment Work for People with Disabilities
by Cary Griffin, David Hammis, Molly Sullivan
This is an American publication covering the following topics:
  • Self-Employment as a Mainstream Approach to Adult Life
  • Person-Centered Business Planning: Discovering Personal Genius
  • Business Feasibility
  • Building the Business Plan
  • Marketing and Sales Tactics
  • Small Business and Social Security Income Benefits Analysis
  • Small Business Finance and Small Business Owners with Disabilities
Members' library

The Down Syndrome NSW library catalogue is available to view here.  

Archiving Project
Our archiving project continues on a weekly basis in the office.
Do you have any old photos from Down Syndrome NSW events that you would like to send to us? 
Send print material to
Down Syndrome NSW, PO Box 107, Northmead 2152
Or digital material to the library via

Colouring resources 

Following our post about online access to resources for older children and adults who enjoy colouring, readers also recommend:  
A brilliant resource that can be downloaded and coloured in comes from the deviant art blog. There is a wonderful collection and the artists who post are happy for people to download and colour (just not on-sell) and give them credit if posting work on the web. From animals to people, simple to complex. Lovely images like mermaids such as Ariel, ponies, fish and more.
Thanks Aileen.
Dover Books has a large range of colouring books too. Available in some art supply stores and bookshops.
Thanks Jo.

Online publications

by Brian Melloni and Robert Ingpen, 2011
A video 'book' that could be useful for helping to explain death to children and to people with intellectual disability. Thanks to Down Syndrome Victoria for posting this link on their Facebook page recently.

Congratulations to editors Dave Hingsburger and Angie Nethercott on completing the third year of publication of Service, Support and Success (the Direct Support Newsletter), published monthly in Canada by Vita Community Services. It is made freely available online and by subscription (contact details are in every issue). Each issue addresses a single topic. The last few issues from 2014 are now available online, as are all back issues:
  • Volume 3-Issue 8: The Art of Summer
  • Volume 3-Issue 9: Something is Different Here: Promoting Awareness of an Invisible Disorder
  • Volume 3-Issue 10: No Borderline between Respect and Care: Supporting People with Intellectual Disabilities Who have Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Volume 3-Issue 11: Movember and Men’s Health: What You Should Know! 
  • Volume 3-Issue 12: Food, Flavours & Finding Connections: Honouring Diversity in the Kitchen
People with Disability Australia E-bulletin
November 2014 issue

Mader You Look!
2014 (8th edition) - magazine of the NSW-wide Don't DIS myABILITY campaign for International Day of People with Disability.

A new blog has been launched by the NSW Council for Intellectual Disability.
The first post (2nd December 2014) is  on whether ADHC should close, with the rollout of the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

Centre for Disability Studies News : No. 13, Vol 2.

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