Friday 5 December 2014

Step UP! Hunter - wrapping up Down syndrome awareness 'time'

Candy Connors has written a great wrap-up about the Hunter Region's Step UP! held on 23rd November:

Thank you EVERYONE who braved the heat to help make Step UP! the huge success it was. Over 500 people were there.....WOW!!!

Having two fantastic MC's, Leigh Creighton and Michael from Mobydisc, certainly made for a wonderful day for everyone.

Entertainment included; Chance2Dance, Waltz-Sing Matilda's, face-painting and other activities under the huge Carriageway Shed, providing shelter from the heat.

All up, we had 50 volunteers! They looked great in their green t-shirts,were easy to spot and did an amazing job.

Hopefully lots of you had the chance to say hi to Tracylee, our EO from DSNSW, who travelled up to share the morning with us and be our roaming photographer.

NBN 3 were there to film the start of our day. Click here.

DSHR Steering Committee worked non stop to make this day happen for us all: Gail Nay, Kym Petersen, Lisa Wilkinson Gibson, Lisa Nelson and Meaghan Hepplewhite.

Congratulations to everyone!

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