Wednesday 28 January 2015

NSW schools are 'in' - have a great year!

From our Facebook page this morning:
Most NSW students return to school after the long holidays today, with kindergarteners starting later in the week. We wish all returning students with Down syndrome and their families and teachers a very good school year. 
We are especially thinking of the little ones starting 'big' school for the very first time, and adolescents embarking upon the adventure of high school ... all the very best. 
Remember that now, in 2015, many have gone before you - a great deal of expertise and experience exists in schools and with individual teachers, and it will grow with your child's schooling. A generation of families have broken ground in inclusive and special education, there are many effective resources and programs to tap into, and training for teachers, and research into quality education for students with Down syndrome is ongoing. 
And remember we are here also to help you through the bumps. 
Have a great school year!
One of the ways we can help is through community and professional education, like our Embracing Success conference in Sydney, 26th - 27th March - early Bird registration closes on 31st January, then regular pricing is available, so make sure your school has the flyer:

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