Tuesday 27 January 2015

What siblings are saying

Every family questions how brothers and sisters will be impacted by one of them having a disability, the fact of the disability, the impact on everyday life, and of course their life long experiences. Sibling relationships are likely to be the longest that our sons and daughters with Down syndrome will have, so of course we are interested in what they have to say about each other - it's not always what you expect:

Essential Take on Life, 18th November 2014
Before I tell my story, I should probably mention a bit about my family. Because, let’s face it – being an older sister is not the same as being a younger sister, or being a brother …

10 Things Siblings of Individuals With Down Syndrome Wish You Knew
Katie Grace, The Mighty, 21st November 2014
... Just as every individual is unique with or without Down syndrome, every family dynamic is unique. My story might not be in line with every sibling to a person with Down syndrome, but I believe many of us having more than a few of these qualities in common ...

Christina Breshears, The Mighty, 31st December 2014
... you should also know that the beautiful compassion and empathy siblings have for their sibling (and for the world) is at first solely directed at you. We first feel compassion for you as we see you work and love and attend. We first express empathy for you as we take up what jobs we can to help with the task at hand ...

The North Side of Down, by Nancy and Amanda Bailey
Jisun Lee, Kimchi Latkes, 26th January 2015
A new book, written by a woman with Down syndrome and her sister, is reviewed by the mother of a young child with Down syndrome.

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