Tuesday 3 February 2015

Latest addition to events pages

Down Syndrome NSW events:

Golf Day Tee Up! 2015
We have moved our Golf Day to Spring 2015. The Golf day will now be held to coincide with Father’s Day! This will be our first fathers event for some time. We look forward to seeing you out on the course.

For further information on this event, please contact Ben Chinnock at ben.chinnock@dsansw.org.au or on 0402 503 885.

Other events:
These links provide information about events run by organisations other than Down Syndrome NSW that might be of interest to people with Down syndrome, their families, carers and the professionals who support them. They have been added to our 'Other 2015 events' page for ease of reference.

Heartbreak and Beauty - film premier
Bus Stop Films is premiering a new short film Heartbreak and Beauty at the Chauvel Theatre, Paddington (Sydney) on 21 February 2015.

Created with and starring 12 young people living with intellectual disability, the film follows their experiences of love, loss and hope, through poetry, visual metaphor and dance. Bus Stop’s mission is to create an inclusive film and television industry, where people of all backgrounds can contribute to Australia’s creative and economic landscape.

Heartbreak and Beauty is produced in partnership with Sydney Community College and follows a run of success for Bus Stop with their last project The Interviewer receiving international critical acclaim, winning over 30 awards. Both short films will be shown on the night.

To attend the screening contact Samuel Russin 0450 032 515 hello@busstopfilms.com.au

Drama Creative Confidence Class
Down Syndrome NSW member Jane Gilsenan was part of the team responsible for the fabulously successful Show Off showcase and workshops at Parramatta Riverside last November. Jane is an accomplished drama teacher who has recently started a mixed ability drama class for primary school children, from Kindy to Year 6, in the Castle Hill area. Contact Jane directly for more information:
0468 302 073 or www.dramacc.com.au
The class is at 3.45pm on Thursdays.

Datables Dance
Relationships and Private Stuff - a singles dance for people with disability. Contact: Liz Dore 0416 122 634 or emailliz@relationshipsandprivatestuff.com
Thursday 12 February 2015 - Burwood

Ideas for Self Directing Supports
Resourcing Families - Individualised funding is becoming available to people with disability through the NSW Living Life My Way framework and the roll out of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). If you are asking What is self direction? How does it work? Who can help me? Then come along to this workshop
Thursday 26th March 2015 - Sydney

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