Monday 2 February 2015

News and commentary on the NDIS (28)

NDIS Newsletter, January 2015

7 issues we can’t afford to let slip
EveryAustralian Counts, 13th January 2015
2015 is going to be a big year for the roll out of the NDIS. There are a number of important decisions that the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) and the governments will need to make before the full roll out commences. The State of the Sector report that was released by NDS lists their seven top issues that need to be addressed this year. Here are the issues that National Disability Services (NDS) wants action on ...

Govts urged to give intellectually disabled people more say in decision-making in 2015
Samantha Donovan, AM (ABC Radio), 16th January 2015
... There's a great emphasis in the NDIS on the lived experience of disability, but predominantly that's the lived experience of physical or sensory disability or being a parent of somebody with a disability or a family member.

There are no people with intellectual disabilities on the advisory board or on the board itself and they're 60 to 70 per cent of the people that are going to be using the NDIS ...

Four lessons the NDIS must heed to avoid a ‘pink batts’ disaster
Eric Windholz, The Conversation, 16th December 2015
... Supply-side reforms – the doubling of the provider market, changes in its mix, and the development of a national approach to quality assurance and provider oversight – have received comparatively little attention. Yet it is on the supply side that much of the NDIS’s risk exists ...

Down syndrome organisations funded for NDIS capacity building project
COAG Disability Reform Council - Communiqué
Senator the Hon Mitch Fifield, Assistant Minister for Social Services, 12th December 2014

Simon Duffy, Centre for Welfare Reform (UK), December 2015
Australia has embarked on the most important international initiative to make disability rights real. If the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is successful it will be a world-leading example of how a country can respect and value its citizens with disabilities. It would set the bar high for so many other countries around the world ...

Intellectual disability groups believe the NDIS is unfairly geared to the physically disabled's needsJulia May, Brisbane Times, 13th December 2014
Advocates of people with intellectual disabilities, who make up more than two-thirds of future users of the National Disability Insurance Scheme, fear they are being disproportionately shut out from its services, writes Julia May ...

NDIS Rights - website
The NDIS Rights Fact Sheets on this website have been developed by Fitzroy Legal Service, Hobart Community Legal Service and Redfern Legal Centre after receiving a grant through the Commonwealth Attorney-General Department’s Human Rights Framework – Education Grants. The fact sheets have been developed to address community need for rights-based legal information when accessing the NDIS and the various agencies involved with the NDIS.

The Fact Sheets are intended to provide basic information about what rights a person has under the NDIS, and what they can do if they feel their rights are not being recognised. The Fact Sheets are meant to provide only general information. They are not meant to replace legal advice or advocacy ...

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