Wednesday 4 March 2015

NSW roadmap to nowhere for mental healthcare for people with intellectual disability?

NSW Council for Intellectual Disability's response tp the NSW Mental Health Commission's Living Well, Strategic Plan for mental health in NSW 2014 - 2024,  published in October 2014:

NSW roadmap to nowhere for  people with intellectual disability?
NSW CID is alarmed by the lack of action on the mental health of people with intellectual disability in the NSW Government’s response to its Mental Health Commission’s Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan includes clear action on intellectual disability mental health but the Government’s $115m response says nothing to people with intellectual disability.
We seek your support on this issue by writing or emailing Mental Health Minister Jai Rowell.
The Mental Health Commission has set out clearly the fundamental problems facing people with intellectual disability in obtaining mental health care and provided practical steps for action. The Commission’s approach is consistent with the outcomes from the National Roundtable on the Mental Health of People with Intellectual Disability which NSW CID led in 2013. The Roundtable was attended by leaders in mental health and disability from around Australia, including key people in NSW Health ...

Visit the NSW CID blog, here for the detailed response, and to see what you can do to help lobby for better mental health care for people with intellectual disability in NSW.

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