Tuesday 3 March 2015

Safety at school: how students with disabilities feel

Safe at School? Exploring Safety and Harm of Students with Cognitive Disability 

Speakers: Sally Robinson, Southern Cross University and Rosemary Kayess, Social  Policy research Centre, University of NSW

12pm - 2pm 12th March 2015

Room 221 John Goodsell Building, UNSW Kensington

More information and registration SPRC Events

This article was published in the Northern Star (Lismore) prior to the seminar being presented there last week:

Students with cognitive disability at higher risk of abuse
Northern Star, 24th February 2015
... "We know that students with cognitive disability experience higher rates of abuse, neglect and exploitation than students without disability." Dr Robinson said.
"In this study, we took a particular focus on finding out what students with disability themselves thought about safety and harm in and around school, as there is no Australian research which has done this. 
"We will be sharing the results of our recent research and discussing how we can make things better. We have developed recommendations for change to better support students, families and teachers, along with short user-friendly resources for students, families and professional stakeholders." 
The seminar will provide insights into students' experiences, the responses of education providers, and the system structures and processes available to support resolution of abuse.
Discussion will focus on addressing barriers, strengths and possibilities for change in education, legal and policy arenas ...

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