Thursday 14 May 2015

Health information from the mainstream

While we value specific research and experience in the health care of people with Down syndrome, we also have much to gain from paying attention to broader information from the general population that might apply to the specific combinations of problems that people with Down syndrome are likely to encounter. The Adult Down Syndrome Clinic, in Chicago, through both their blog and Facebook page, sometimes draw inferences from mainstream health research relating to their patients with Down syndrome:

Sleep and mental health: Adult Down Syndrome Clinic Facebook post, 13th May 2015 
Refers readers to a paper on the relationship between sleep and mental health, considering the higher than usual frequency of sleep disorders (such as sleep apnoea) in children with Down syndrome.

Sleep apnea is more common in people with Down syndrome. Alzheimer disease occurs at a younger age and may be more common. We have often wondered if chronic, untreated sleep apnea could contribute to the development of Alzheimer disease from chronic oxygen deprivation during sleep, chronic sleep deprivation or other factors ...

Discusses the possible implications of a mainstream study of vitamin D levels and depression, noting that Chicago residents might lack exposure to sunlight because of their latitude. Somewhat counter-intuitively, low vitamin D levels are common in Australia, possibly because of our adherence to sun-safe practices designed to protect us from melanoma.

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