Thursday 14 May 2015

2015 Federal budget (2): analysis of impacts for people with disability

Two days after the deliver of the 2015 Federal budget, people with disability, their carers, advocates and service providers are still evaluating the potential impact of measures announced (or not):

Budget 2015: more support for carers
Every Australian Counts, 14th May 2015
There are 2.7 million Australians providing care for one or more family members or friends, including people with disability – navigating their way through what can be a confusing and time consuming labyrinth of government departments.

So, it’s good news the Federal Government has announced it will invest $33.7 million over the next four years in an Integrated Plan for Carer Support Services, which will streamline and co-ordinate services for the nation’s carers ...

Carer Support Services - National Carer Gateway
Australian Dept of Social Services, 13th May 2015
As announced on 12 May 2015 as part of the 2015-16 Budget, the Australian Government has committed $33.7 million over four years to establish a National Carer Gateway. The National Carer Gateway will be implemented to help carers access information and support help them maintain their caring role and is the first step in a longer term plan to better support carers.

Work on an Integrated Plan for Carer Support Services (the Plan) has commenced and will reflect Australian Government priorities for carers. The purpose of the Plan will be to outline practical actions to recognise, support and sustain the vital work of unpaid carers ...

14th May 2015
The Australian Education Union’s (AEU) federal president, Correna Haythorpe, has accused the Abbott Government of having “abandoned” its promise to students with disability by not funding disability loading for schools ...

Disability Orgs Cautiously Optimistic

ProBono Australia News, 13th May 2015
Disability organisations have welcomed a more “moderate” Federal Budget but have expressed their concerns that 12 specialist organisations representing over 200,000 Australians with disability have not been funded.

The Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO) said reforms to employment and the ongoing commitment to the rollout of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) were particularly welcome ...

Arts Access Australia's Reaction to May 2015 Federal Budget
13th May 2015
Arts Access Australia is urgently seeking reassurance from Senator George Brandis, Minister for the Arts, that current and future programs aimed at ensuring the human right of people with disability to access the arts be protected, following shock arts funding cuts to the Australia Council for the Arts in Tuesday night’s Federal Budget ...

National Disability Insurance Scheme, 13th May 2015
The 2015-16 Budget provides funding for:
  • A new ICT system that will meet the needs of the NDIA as it rolls out across the country.
  • A limited roll-out of the NDIS in the Penrith and Blue Mountains areas from July 2015
  • Transfer of the Sector Development Fund from the NDIA to the Department of Social Services.
The 2015-16 Budget includes measures to support the delivery of the NDIS as it rolls out across the country and a measure for early transition beyond the trial in New South Wales ...

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