Monday 18 May 2015

NDIS Citizens' Jury - the Scorecard

People with Disability Australia is officially launching its NDIS Citizens' Jury Scorecard (from the jury process held in February) tomorrow (19th May) - you can read it online now, and if you are very quick, you can submit a question for the launch panel. This notice if from PWDA on Facebook:
Have you had a chance to read our NDIS Citizen’s Jury Scorecard yet? Click here to read the verdict and let us know your thoughts. 
Remember, you can also send us a question you would like our panel to answer at the official launch of the Scorecard on Tuesday. 
You can email your question to post your question in the comment section on PWDA's Facebook page, or tweet it to us on Twitter using the ‪#‎NDISJury‬ hashtag.

For more information about the Citizens' Jury, our response to their findings and a word document version of the scorecard, click here  and please note questions must relate to citizens’ jury process or findings of the jury outlined in the scorecard.
Norman Hermont, ABC News, 16th May 2015
The National Disability Insurance Scheme citizens' jury has found it is already giving people living with disabilities more independence and an improved quality of life, but there is room for improvement in its roll out ...

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